
Philippians-True joy comes from Jesus Christ alone

Recent email from one of Craig’s friends in college!

“Craig lived the abundant life that he was called to live. I remember during our college days, Craig and I studied the words, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” from Philippians. If you spent any amount of time with Craig, you experienced this reality in his life. He carried with him the aroma of Christ, which transcended beyond bible studies and ministry, where he passionately served the Lord in every part of life. I remember after my wedding day, I had countless friends and relatives ask me about “that Craig guy”, who stole the dance floor and made friends with everyone. Craig’s presence was enough to change the atmosphere of any moment – he was a truly captivating person, marked by compassion, energy, authenticity, kindness, and humility. Many are forever blessed because of his life, and I am one of the many.”
Robert Pitts

Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ!
Everyone wants to be happy, we make this elusive ideal a lifelong pursuit; spending money, collecting things, and searching for new experiences. But what happens when loved ones die, money is stolen, health deteriorates, and the party’s over? Often despair sets in.
In contrast, joy runs deeper and stronger! It is the quiet, confident assurance of God’s love no matter what happens!

Thanks Bobby for the note, it was a great reminder!

Randy Strickland

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